South Australia Club International is South Australia’s centralised network of global ambassadors with the simple objective of bringing people together who know that South Australia is a place of unlimited potential.
Bill Muirhead AM, Agent General for South Australia, founded the Club in 2010 with the inaugural South Australia Club International launch in London in 2011.
Since then, the London Chapter has grown to over 150 members and hosts more than four events per year. The Club has grown year-on-year to become one of the most dynamic networks promoting South Australia’s interests around the world.
In 2015, new Chapters of the Club were launched in Shanghai and Hong Kong SAR followed by Bangkok, Mumbai and Singapore, and most recently Tokyo.
In 2015, the Premier of South Australia at the time invited His Excellency, the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia, to become the International Patron of South Australia Club International. His Excellency personifies the traits sought to promote the South Australia Club International, including prosperity and fostering strong international connections that will contribute to the future success of the state.
In 2016, the Adelaide Chapter was created to enhance connectivity across Club Chapters and into South Australia. Adelaide Chapter drives the focus of bringing together South Australian business leaders and skilled business migrants to harness new talents, new ideas, entrepreneurship, innovation, cultural connections and capital to the state. The Adelaide Chapter enables those that have returned to South Australia, to connect with other like-minded people who are passionate about South Australia’s future.
South Australia Club International hosts spectacular global events showcasing the linkages between Chapters and South Australia, and the connections South Australia has to the world. Members are encouraged to bring a guest to each event ensuring the Club’s dynamism.
South Australia Club International anticipates Chapters to be established in all locations where the South Australian Government operates, or is establishing, overseas trade and investment offices (now and in the future), including Japan, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America, to strengthen the state’s position and provide further global reach for Chapter members.
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