The Hong Kong Club Chapter was formally launched in 2015 during a Government led trade mission. Members are part of a South Australian community network willing to offer their support, advice and expertise to those looking to expand, relocate or invest in South Australia.
South Australia Club International hosts spectacular global events and is a world-class resource for South Australians wanting to connect with other like-minded individuals that have a passion for South Australia. Members of South Australia Club International have access to some of the world’s brightest business people that have an outstanding track record of success.
Alice Jim
Senior Business Development Manager, Hong Kong, Macau & South China
Australia Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)
Australian Consulate-General
24/F Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
P: +852 2588 5317
M: +852 9021 3012
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